Electronic Journal of Liver Tumor ›› 2020, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (2): 12-15.

• Original article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis of morbidity and mortality of liver cancer in Heilongjiang province, 2015

Sun Huixin1,2,3,*, Wang Wanying3, Zhang Maoxiang1,2,3, Jia Haihan3, Song Bingbing1,2   

  1. 1 Institute of Cancer Prevention and Treatment, Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150081, Heilongjiang, China;
    2 Heilongjiang Academy of Medical Science, Harbin 150081,Heilongjiang, China;
    3 Heilongjiang Cancer Center, Harbin 150081, Heilongjiang, China
  • Received:2020-05-06 Online:2020-06-30 Published:2020-07-23

Abstract: Objective: To analyze the morbidity and mortality of liver cancer in the cancer registries in Heilongjiang province in 2015.Methods: Incidence rate and gender of liver cancer were calculated by 7 tumor registry data. The morbidity and mortality of liver cancer were calculated according to the stratification of the area (urban and rural) and gender. The age standardized morbidity / mortality of China's population and world population were calculated by the 2000 Chinese population and SEGI world population constitution.Results: The morphology verified cases (MV%) accounted for 50.73% and 3.21% of incident cases were identified through death certifications only (DCO%) with a mortality to incidence ratio(M/I) of 0.92. In the cancer registries in Heilongjiang province, incidence of liver cancer in 2015 was 27.44/100 000 (male 40.30/100 000, female 14.75/100 000), China's population standardized rate was 16.31/100 000, the world's population standardized rate was 16.08/100 000; the incidence in urban areas was 24.74/100 000, China's population standardized rate was 13.87/100 000; the incidence in rural areas was 35.27/100 000, China's population standardized rate was 24.95/100 000. In the cancer registration area of Heilongjiang Province, the crude death rate of liver cancer in 2015 was 25.20/100 000 (male 37.03/100 000, female 13.51/100 000), the population standardized rate of China was 14.87/100 000, the world population standardized rate was 14.75/100 000; the crude death rate of urban area was 23.18/100 000, the population standardized rate of China was 12.85/100 000; the crude death rate of rural area was 31.05/100 000, the population standardized rate of China was 21.96/100 000.Conclusion: Rural population and the male should be the focus of the prevention and treatment of liver cancer, so as to promote the early diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer and the opportunistic screening of liver cancer, improve the detection rate of early liver cancer, and reduce the disease burden caused by the incidence and death of liver cancer.

Key words: Morbidity, Mortality, Liver cancer