Electronic Journal of Liver Tumor ›› 2022, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (2): 7-12.

• Original article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Report of liver cancer incidence and mortality in 2016 and the time trends during 2010―2016 in Henan Province, China

Chen Qiong, Liu Yin, Liu Shuzheng, Guo Lanwei, Zheng Liyang, Xu Huifang, Wang Xiaoyang, Wang Hong, Sun Xibin, Zhang Shaokai*   

  1. Department of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Zhengzhou University/Henan Cancer Hospital, Henan Engineering Research Center of Cancer Prevention and Control, Henan International Joint Laboratory of Cancer Prevention Office for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhengzhou 450008, Henan, China
  • Received:2021-12-23 Published:2022-10-26

Abstract: Objective:To estimate the incidence and mortality of liver cancer in Henan Province in 2016 according to the cancer registration data.
Method:The data quality including completeness, validity, and reliability of local registries which submitted the cancer registration data of 2016 were assessed according to the criteria of Guideline on Cancer Registration in China and IARC/IACR. Liver cancer cases (ICD10: C22) were extracted from the database, and the incidence and mortality stratified by gender, age, and areas (urban/rural) were calculated, the provincial cancer incidence and mortality were estimated combined with provincial population data. China's 2000 census population and Segi's population were used to calculate the age-standardized rate. Joinpoint regression model was used to estimate the changing trend of age-standardized incidence and mortality along with the calendar year.
Result:Approximately 28 635 new liver cancer cases were diagnosed in Henan Province in 2016, accounting for 9.58% of all new cancer cases, and it ranked fourth among cancer of all sites. The crude liver cancer incidence was 26.43/100 000 with an age-standardized incidence rate by China standard population (ASIRC) of 19.90/100 000 and an age-standardized incidence rate by the world standard population (ASIRW) of 19.79/100 000. The liver cancer incidence in males was higher than that in females, with the ASIRC of 28.07/100 000 and 11.76/100 000, respectively. It was higher in rural areas than that in urban areas, and they were 20.50/100 000 and 17.84/100 000, respectively. About 24 052 liver cancer cases dead in Henan Province in 2016, accounting for 12.82% of all cancer deaths in Henan Province which ranked fourth among cancer of all sites. The crude mortality rate was 22.22/100 000 with an age-standardized mortality rate by China standard population (ASMRC) of 16.30/100 000 and an age-standardized mortality rate by world standard population (ASMRW) of 16.27/100 000. The mortality in males was higher than that in females, with the ASMRC of 22.99/100 000 and 9.77/100 000, respectively. There was no significant difference between urban and rural areas, and the ASMRC was 16.08/100 000 and 16.41/100 000, respectively. The liver cancer age-specific incidence and mortality were low at the age groups of 0-29 and 0-34 years, and they started increasing rapidly after 30 and 35 years old, respectively, and reached the peak at the 85+ age group. The estimated number of incident liver cancer cases and deaths reached the peak in the 60-64 years age group. The ASIRC and ASMRC were declining with annual percent change (APC) of 2.1% since 2010 and with APC of 7.4% since 2013.
Conclusion:The disease burden of liver cancer in Henan Province remains large, and there are significant gender differences between urban and rural areas and between men and women. Therefore, comprehensive prevention and control efforts should be strengthened according to its epidemic characteristics and risk factors.

Key words: Liver cancer, Incidence, Mortality, Henan Province